Two Girls working together


Meet Deepak Chavan, a trailblazing IT professional, visionary entrepreneur, and the driving force behind the development of RDM Token. With his profound knowledge, relentless passion for technology, and innovative mindset, Deepak has left an indelible mark on the world of cryptocurrency

3 Year

computer science


Delhi University


Alberta University, Canada

A Journey of Excellence

Representing a commitment to achieving exceptional academic results, constantly pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and striving for excellence in education.

6 Year

Blockchain Developer




Delhi Police Crime Branch Telecom Project


Two Girls working together


Working Experiance with CISCO & Delhi Police

01 Jan 2020

Working as a Developer in the Telecommunication Sector

A developer in the telecommunications sector is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications, tools, and solutions that support various aspects of telecommunications infrastructure. This may include developing network management systems, VoIP applications, mobile applications, and data analytics tools for telecom operators. As a developer in this sector, I would work closely with network engineers, system administrators, and other technical experts to ensure the smooth functioning of telecommunication networks. He would also be involved in implementing new technologies, optimizing network performance, and resolving any technical issues that may arise. In addition, i might be working with cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), and software-defined networking (SDN) to meet the growing demands of the telecommunications industry.

Post By : Casinal

01 Jan 2020

Working as a Developer in Delhi Police Crime Branch

As a developer in the Delhi Police Crime Branch, My role would involve developing software solutions and tools to aid law enforcement activities related to crime investigation, data analysis, and crime prevention. I would collaborate with law enforcement officers and crime analysts to understand their specific needs and requirements, and then design and develop applications to address those needs. These applications might include crime databases, case management systems, facial recognition software, and data visualization tools. My work would play a critical role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of crime investigation processes and supporting the overall efforts of the Delhi Police Crime Branch in maintaining law and order.

Post By : Casinal

Unleashing Entrepreneurial Spirit

Deepak ' s insatiable thir s t for knowledge and a dri ve for innovation led him to explore new frontier s in technology . In London, UK, he dedi cated a year to s tudy ing bloc k chain technology , real i z ing it s potential to revolutioni ze the world of finance and beyond.

Moti vated by hi s experti se and the des ire to c reate something groundbreak ing, Deepak took a leap of faith. He left hi s pos ition at Infos y s , a pres tigious IT company , to embar k on an entrepreneurial journey . Fueled by pas s ion and armed with a profound under s tanding of bloc k chain technology , Deepak developed hi s brainchi ld, RDM Token.

RDM Token

Redefining the Future of Cryptocurrency

What is RDM ?

RDM Exchange built a platform to buy and sell Crypto currency easily.

The RDM token ecosystem is a way to recognize the importance of deconstructing this long-established paradigm. Communities are held together by hundreds, if not thousands, of interconnected moments. We have realized that true strength does not come from us alone. We have started the development of the RDM token ecosystem in earnest.

RDM Token adopts a 3-layer architecture divided into Storage Layer, Core Layer, and Application Layer. The RDM Token BEP-20 addresses to Google Protobuf, which intrinsically supports multi-language extension.

Buy Token
RDM Token

Our RDM Exchange Mission & Vision

We consider clarity of thought to be the most necessary trait we look for in our colleagues. We look concise and articulate, putting effort into making things simple and easy to understand.

We always find a solution to get things done with what's available in real-time, but we aren't afraid of asking for help when needed. We believe great ideas can come from anywhere, regardless of seniority and experience.

We never give up, progress together in hard times, and recognize grit in our colleagues. We believe in building a strong and coherent team to create a worldchanging company but also understand that it's a monumental task to carry out, but we love every minute of the process.

Hypothetical Vision behind RDM Token

Dipak Chavan, a visionary in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, introduces the RDM Token with a mission to revolutionize the way data is managed, shared, and monetized. His vision is centered on addressing critical challenges related to data privacy, security, and ownership, while empowering individuals to have greater control over their data.

Data Privacy and Security

Dipak envisions the RDM Token as a blockchain-based solution that prioritizes data privacy and security. The token employs robust encryption and decentralized storage mechanisms to ensure that users' personal information is safeguarded from unauthorized access and breaches.

Decentralized Data Ownership

At the heart of Dipak's vision is the principle of decentralized data ownership. With the RDM Token, individuals are granted ownership and control over their data. This means they can selectively share their data with trusted parties or organizations while still maintaining full ownership rights.

Fair Data Monetization

Dipak aims to challenge the current data monetization model, where large corporations profit from users' data without fairly compensating them. Through the RDM Token, individuals can choose to share their data with businesses in exchange for compensation in the form of RDM tokens, creating a more equitable data economy.

Enhancing Data Sharing Ecosystem

The RDM Token envisions a robust data sharing ecosystem where individuals, businesses, and researchers can securely and efficiently exchange data. This ecosystem fosters innovation by providing access to diverse and valuable datasets while respecting data owners' rights and preferences.

Transparency and Accountability

To build trust in the data sharing process, Dipak ensures transparency and accountability within the RDM Token ecosystem. All data transactions are recorded on the blockchain, creating an immutable audit trail, and smart contracts govern the terms of data sharing agreements to ensure fair and honest interactions.

Global Impact

Dipak's vision for the RDM Token extends beyond geographical boundaries. He aims to make the RDM Token a global standard for data management, unlocking the potential for data-driven innovation and research worldwide.

Contributing to Decentralization

Embracing the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, Deepak's mission aligns with the broader goals of promoting decentralization and reducing dependency on centralized data monopolies.

Stacking token

The stacking token you are referring to is likely a cryptocurrency that offers staking rewards. Staking is a process of locking up your tokens in order to participate in the network's consensus mechanism. In return for staking, you will earn rewards, which are typically paid out in more tokens.

6/12 months -4%

The specific staking rewards offered by the token you are referring to are -4% for a 6-12 month staking period.

18/24 months -5%

The specific staking rewards offered by the token you are referring to are -5% for a 18-24 month staking period.

01 Jan 2020

RDM Token: Redefining the Future of Cryptocurrency

RDM Token stands as a testament to Deepak's vision and dedication to innovation. It is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency that merges advanced blockchain technology with a commitment to security and sustainability. With RDM, Deepak aims to revolutionise the way people perceive and interact with digital currency

Post By : Casinal

01 Jan 2020

Advancing the Industry

Deepak's exceptional leadership and technical expertise have paved the way for RDM Token's success. By leveraging advanced blockchain technology, RDM provides a secure and decentralised platform for seamless transactions. The token's lightning-fast transaction speeds and minimal fees make it an ideal choice for everyday use.

Deepak's commitment to environmental sustainability is evident in RDM Token's ecofriendly approach. By incorporating energyefficient consensus mechanisms, RDM minimizes the ecological impact associated with cryptocurrency mining.

Post By : Casinal

01 Jan 2020

Community and Collaboration

Deepak understands the value of community and collaboration.

He actively engages with the RDM community, fostering a sense of inclusivity and transparency.

By valuing the input and ideas of users, Deepak creates an environment where innovation thrives and users feel empowered.

Post By : Casinal

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